
Dear Prospective Sponsor,

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the inaugural Katalyst 2024: Korean-American Mentorship and Leadership Immersion for Young Scientists and Technologists,  hosted by the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA). Katalyst aims to bring the brightest undergraduate students in STEM from all over the United States. Participants have the opportunity to learn from career and leadership mentorship sessions, distinguished speakers, and workshops. 

What makes Katalyst unique is our desire to build a community beyond the in-person event. Through establishing communities through online networks after the conference, we aim to continue and expand the Katalyst community and foster life-long learning and mentorship opportunities. 

By sponsoring Katalyst, you have the opportunity to increase your impact amongst undergraduate students with strong leadership and drive, the next generation of leaders within STEM. Through your support, we are able to not only develop quality programing, but make attending this conference more accessible for our prospective participants by providing travel, meal, and lodging support.

Please find the below prospectus and let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to speaking with you.

Katalyst 2025 Team

Katalyst 2024 - Sponsorship Prospectus_09.21.2023_2.pdf